We run chess as part of the school’s curriculum with the use of our STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (SDP) and have all the pupils from nursery 2 all through college level; making up in the participatory classes.

We operate on a UK based curriculum that fosters a holistic approach to education, equipping children with the basic experiences needed to go forward in life both inside and outside of school.

Find out more about our curriculum

Time Management Trainings

With the use of chess digital clocks, we teach the children time management; working, playing and solving puzzles within a stipulated time.

Continuous Assessment

We also conduct assessment tests and exams just like every other course to access the growth and development of the child.

Tactics and Strategic Planning Training

Tactics allow you to take advantage of your opponents’ mistakes in the short term, while strategy flows from your understanding of more permanent aspects of the position. Awareness of strategic elements is vital in that it allows you to evaluate a position (tell who is better off, if anyone); more importantly, it is the foundation of planning in chess

Kids Strategic Chess Trainings
Kids Strategic Chess Trainings 2

Building their Confidence

“All work and no play makes jack a dull boy” the saying says…

Not only has chess in education been proven to help in building a child’s IQ, concentration, mental skills, and lots more

We also raise “Champions”.

By taking the kids out for inter-school chess competitions organized by the Nigerian Chess Federation (NCF), APENng, Chevron and other recognized bodies, – representing themselves and their schools. this gives them the required exposure and a competitive spirit which are essentials a child need in building his/her self esteem, confidence, and courage.

Where prizes won helps the kids understand the reward of hard work

and many more training techniques.

“We don’t just teach chess as a game, but as a tool in the development of a child. With certified instructors producing instructive training that help in synergizing the Art “chess” into our everyday life.”